April 27, 2019 ,

 Updated June 15, 2022

Bringing your business more conversion rates isn’t easy. The competition online is huge and still growing. In fact, it is estimated that the online sales will reach over $4.8T by 2021, making this the busiest and most challenging time to build an online business from scratch. However, this is also the best time to promote the business on a worldwide level and make a fortune you wouldn’t be able to make in the past.

One of the most popular additions to the marketing online trends is the introduction of messenger bots. These let businesses respond faster to customers’ questions and basically, beat the competition. However, even this requires its own set of rules and tricks to make your business grow. In this article, you’ll learn about the top eight ways to boost the conversion rates for your business by using bots.

Reasons to Use Messenger Bots for Your Business

A bot can do so much for you. If you know how to polish it and work it, you can turn it into an excellent assistant – one that will take over the selling task and make your business more profitable. Just think of Nike – they boosted their sale conversions by four times as a result of bots.

Bots are very popular today and as such, they are used by most online businesses on a worldwide level. However, the effectiveness of the chatbots isn’t recognized by most of these businesses, simply because they don’t know how to use it to promote and build their business from the ground.

A simple chatbot strategy might do some difference for your business, but it won’t do much unless you’re prepared to dedicate yourself to this. Once you do, it can prove to be an amazing marketing tool to drive more conversions.

The most popular messaging platform that also lets businesses and salespeople use bots is Facebook. It has over 1.3 billion users who are active and exposed to many excellent ads and shopping opportunities on the platform.

Chatbot Uses

Image Source: Deposit Photos

There are so many things that you can use chatbots for. These include:

  • Communicating with customers
  • Influencing their buying decisions
  • Sending reminders and other personalized messages
  • Driving more return purchases
  • Winning back lost customers
  • Getting insights that would help you boost your business.

Online chatbots provide an attractive, instant experience for your customers. As such, you can use them for many things. With the right automation, the bots can help customers find what they’re looking for. They can guide all of your customers through the order process, or recommend products and services based on their actions. Moreover, a well-created chatbot automation will manage payment processes, billing, shipping, etc.

Despite all of these uses, many business people still decide on how to build a chatbots with only the simplest functions. These functions can drive a couple of conversions, but they will definitely not grow a business.

On the other hand, there are the rare, wise entrepreneurs that create scripted, automated bots that work on boosting the loyalty and relationships with customers. As we all know, this is what most converts your leads to actual sales.

This kind of functioning of bots is based on a process called natural language processing . It’s an AI system that makes the chatbots smart and fast in answering questions from the customers. They do so by recognizing the questions, as well as patterns – all of which leads to the most appropriate answer you’ve provided the bot with.

How to use Messenger Bots to boost Conversion 

Now that we established how beneficial chatbots are and how they work at your benefit, it is time to learn how to use these bots wisely and with success. The proper dedication and use of a chatbot can help you beat the competition and boost conversion sales like never before. That being said, here are the top eight reasons to do this:

1. Make Customers Feel Welcome

The best way to do this is by actually saying ‘welcome’ to your customers. With the right personalized message or an offer, you can boost the experience of your customers and turn them into your regulars. In fact, a report says that 75% of all customers prefer such personalized, welcoming messages.

Whenever a customer makes a purchase or somehow contacts the business, make sure that they feel welcomed into your store or business. A new customer isn’t a returning customer until you convince them to buy once again. This is the first step toward creating a repeat customer.

Customers eCommerce Searching

The buyer’s experience depends greatly on the behavior and approach of the company, even if this relationship is built via a social media or website chatbot. Chatbots makes customers feel appreciated and valued.

Of course, you’d have to create a welcoming, personalized message that will actually prompt such a feeling on behalf of the customers. This is another occasion where content is of crucial importance, so pick your wording wisely.

2. Prevent Customers from Abandoning the Cart

Yes, people often abandon a cart after choosing a product or service and putting it there. There are plenty of things that can change a customer’s mind, but there are also plenty of things you can do to prevent this from happening.

This is a pity for any business. If a customer was attracted by your product, service or offer just enough to put that into a cart, losing that customer is a big loss for your business. Basically, this is the biggest opportunity your business can miss in terms of making a sale.

Thankfully, a chatbot can improve all this. According to a study, a reminder of an abandoned cart can recover up to 20% of lost potential customers. This study also found that a chatbot that reminds people of their abandoned carts is 10 times more successful than an email.

Cart Abandonment

3. Use Coupons

Using digital coupons might sound silly now. Well, a study says that around145.3 million users will use digital coupons by 2021.

These numbers don’t make it sound silly now, do they?

People love promotions and free things. If you use a coupon as an addition to your chatbot message, this will be an excellent and very effective incentive that will turn visitors into leads. And let’s not forget the power of word of mouth – a coupon will do wonders for your business once people learn about it!

4. Use the Chatbot to Make Sales

Nowadays, many people choose to buy from social media chatbots instead of opening websites, scouring their pages, and proceeding to shopping carts. Thanks to chatbots, your potential customers don’t have to waste their time opening your site and looking through your pages. When you sponsor your products or services, which you will sure do to attract more potential customers, those who like what they see will sure enjoy being able to buy right away, directly from their messenger.

Let’s face it – people are often too busy or too lazy to open every website they come across when they look at their social media news feed. Once they find what they were searching for thanks to automation and AI, they can instantly proceed to order from a chatbot, provided that you’ve created such an option for them.  

Chatbot For Sales

Image Source: Deposit Photos

5. Quiz Potential and Existing Customers

Feedback is crucial for the success of a business. Even the best people in the business world can’t know what customers think or like unless they are told. That being said, you should use the chatbots to find out how to make your company more attractive.

In addition to providing you with essential information about your business’ strategy success, quizzes are also interesting and engaging. If you make them personalized, people will enjoy talking about their needs and wants, as well as become subscribers to your business.

Chatbot For Quizes

Just make sure to create unique and interesting quizzes. The quizzes should be short and fun for those who answer them, but they should also help you target the audience based on those answers. With the help of a chatbot quiz, you can boost your odds at attracting more customers and turning them into leads.

6. Turn the Chatbot into a Guide

We all know how helpful guides can be, so what if we told you that you can turn the chatbot into one and give your target audience access to it? Most of the people in your target audience won’t know their way around your website or platform, so providing them with the most important information can be just what they need to make a purchase.

You don’t believe this? According to Forbes, 83% of all shoppers online need some help when they’re thinking of making an order. They’ll expect such help from you and if you don’t provide it soon, they’ll move on to another provider.

Online Marketing Guides

As rushed as this sounds, a chatbot can fix it for you. With a guide implemented into your chatbot, you can beat your competition’s odds at getting your potential customers and prompt the target audience to make a purchase. An ideal help guide will answer the main concerns, explain the benefits of your offers, and guide the customer into the buying process.

7. Respond to Comments

Do you know how many comments fill the Facebook pages every month? The number exceeds 5 billion comments. Out of all commenters, most expect a prompt response within no more than 24 hours.

With a competition as big as we are witnessing today, odds are that most of the users will get the attention from other businesses unless you respond to their comments in a timely manner. With the right chatbot automation, you don’t have to leave customers waiting at all.

Chatbot Comment Moderation

You’d have to spend a while to craft various sequences based on different comments on your posts. When you give your chatbot enough information, you can use it to respond to the comments fast and successfully.

The responses to comments can combine anything from a coupon to a quiz, or even recommend a product based on their content.

8. Test Your Content

None of the above will work unless you check how it works for you. If you want more sales, you must track your progress. To do this with chatbots, you should run split tests and boost your chatbot sequences.

Split tests will tell you what your customers like best, what they don’t respond well to, and how you can perform better. Once you do, you can work on updating the chatbots to make them perform more effectively and turn more visitors into leads.
Chabot Message Testing

Image Source: Deposit Photos

What should you test when it comes to chatbots? To improve a chatbot’s performance, you should test everything, including the:

  • Order of sequences
  • Calls to action
  • Images, GIFS, emoticons, etc.
  • Prices and discounts

Split testing can be very effective if you spend your time researching it and find the most important sequences and features to test. By testing the success of your current strategies, you can boost the chatbots’ performance and increase the conversion rate even further.

The Bottom Line on how to use chatbots

Using chatbots comes with benefits that are hard to list and impossible to beat with any other marketing strategy. Chatbots can do a lot for a business, but the most important thing they do is build a relationship with customers. When interested customers get instant, quality, and related response or guide in terms of your products and services, they are more likely to choose your business and actually turn into buyers.

Look at chatbots as salespeople – ones that are faster than any asset you have for your business and work on the most effective platform for attracting more buyers – the Internet. With the help of these automated ‘workers’, you can increase your business’ conversions, boost the sales, and promote your business on a worldwide level.

For more information on how to build a messenger chatbots please make sure to visit our Chatbot Category with information on the best chatbot software and Facebook Terms & Conditions for not getting your account banned.  

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