Example Spec Sheet Template

You can use the following example spec sheet as a template to create one for your own website. The model document contains columns for standardized information that will be requested by digital advertising buyers, including: ad unit, ad location, ad dimensions, expanded dimensions, maximum file size, file types, third parties allowed, rich media requirements, animation requirements, Flash media requirements, maximum animation length, maximum animation loops, audio requirements, and maximum frames per second. (Phew! Yes, media buyers will often require all of this information from publisher web sites. That’s why we created this sample spec sheet, to help you create this document quickly and painlessly!)

More Spec Sheet Resources

If you’re creating a spec sheet or trying to expand your direct ad sales, you may also find these resources to be useful:

  • How to Make a Spec Sheet: Read this tutorial article by Michael Johnston to learn how to create a spec sheet for your own site. It will also help familiarize you with the technical terms and definitions often included in a spec sheet.

More from the MonetizePros Model & Template Library


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